Image Collection / Technical Drawing

Centre Square Water Works, Latrobe Plans, 1799

Full title: Designs of buildings erected in the year 1799 in Philadelphia, by Benjamin Henry Latrobe, architect and engineer. Presented as a token of sincere affection to his brother, C. I. [Christian Ignatius] Latrobe. (Collection of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania)

These beautiful plans of the Centre Square Water Works, designed by Benjamin Latrobe, are from a large portfolio at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The drawings were each made on an identical-sized sheet of  heavy paper. Some took up only a portion of a sheet, so for a more manageable presentation online the images were cropped down close to the actual drawings. The jpeg files used here are reduced in quality and half the size of the original tifs.

Visit this page to find links to other groups of Centre Square drawings on WaterHistoryPHL, and links to more in-depth history of this historic water works.
