Image Photograph

Mill Creek Sewer under construction, 1883

The Mill Creek Sewer in West Philadelphia, under construction at 47th and Haverford Avenue, 1883. This large sewer, built over a 25-year period, ran for five miles and obliterated the West Philadelphia stream for which it is named.

  • Created

This sewer was one of many built in the 19th century that encapsulated a natural stream in a pipe and then used the resulting sewer as a drainage conduit for the surrounding neighborhood. This sewer emptied into the Schuylkill at 42nd Street; it was one of more than 100 sewers in the city that, by 1900, emptied their raw wastes into the city's rivers and creeks, grossly polluting them.

Item Type
Temporal Coverage
Location Coordinates

39.966°, -75.216°

Format (Medium)


File Size

67 kb

Image Dimensions

750 x 481 px



Rights Holder

Philadelphia Water Department
