Image Photograph

Privies, Emerald Street, 1919

Privies at 2976 Emerald Street, 1919.

  • Created

Early sewers only carried stormwater. Human wastes were collected in privy wells, and most commercial wastes were either thrown into street gutters or dumped into the nearest stream. Once the City began supplying water to citizens, fixtures such as bathtubs and water closets came into wider use. The wastewater produced by each household increased greatly. Privies, designed for mostly dry wastes, were unable to handle this increase, and regularly overflowed. In the early 1860s both human and commercial wastes were allowed into the City's sewers along with stormwater, creating the combined sewers still used in the old parts of the City. Considered a health hazard, privies were strictly regulated by the City's Board of Health. Homeowners were often cited for having “foul and overflowing” privies, and required to have them cleaned. Privies were gradually phased out as sewer lines were extended.

Item Type
Temporal Coverage

2976 Emerald St., Philadelphia, PA 19134

Location Coordinates

33.991°, -75.917°

Format (Medium)


File Size

21 kb

Image Dimensions

568 x 341 px

Catalog Number


Rights Holder

City Archives of Philadelphia
