Song of the Sewer (1954)

Performed by Art Carney
Music and Lyrics by Matt Dubey & Harold Karr.

This strange, somehat annoying but fortunately brief song was first posted on PhillyH2o before 2010.

I am definitely dating myself with this post:

When I was growing up in the 1960s I used to love watching reruns of The Honeymooners, a TV show about Ralph Cramden (played by Jackie Gleason) as a New York City bus driver. His neighbor, Ed Norton (played by Art Carney), worked in the city’s sewer system. Their wives were Alice (Audrey Meadows) and Trixie (Joyce Randolph). “Song of the Sewer” was probably written expressly for Carney, but since he died in 2003, I have taken it up as my personal theme song. Thanks to my friend and PWD volunteer Joe Shapiro for first introducing me to this goofy gem.